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Print China 2015 international media week opens today

As the third China (guangdong) international exhibition of printing technology (Print China 2015) show in front of the important activities, Print China 2015 international media weeks from today (December 10) opens exhibition international hotel in dongguan.

The media weeks will lasts from December 10 to 11 December, a two-day event will be sent to you by special reports, guest lectures, media interview, interaction and on-the-spot investigation way, let the media at home and abroad a comprehensive understanding of preparations for the "PRINT CHINA 2015", and after the meeting, multiple points of view, the depth of the continuous tracking of all reports for the enterprises at home and abroad, and comprehensive professional audiences and the news media the preparations for the exhibition provides an opportunity.

Meeting by the Chinese printing and printing equipment industry association secretary-general Liu Changan chair.China printing and printing equipment industry association, chairman of the special adviser to Mr Xu, the China machinery industry federation Cai Weici, press and publication, guangdong province, NHK inspector, etc. To attend the conference and speak.

Media week at the opening ceremony, from the United States, Britain, Germany, Italy, Russia, South Korea, the united Arab emirates, India, myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, China and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions more than 20 countries and regions such as media, embassies and consulates in China and trade promotion agency officials;Chinese government officials;Provinces BaoXie leadership and main exhibitors on behalf of a total of more than 150 people attended the international media week activities.

Since founded in 2007, the PRINT CHINA has successfully held two sessions, its market positioning for "foothold in south CHINA, relying on the country, facing the asia-pacific, radiation world".Through the development and growth, the PRINT CHINA in July 2010 plan for strong cultural province, guangdong province, has listed the key support of cultural exhibition project, and the key projects for the construction of dongguan city, cultural city,

The first exhibition size 8 square meters, are from the United States, Britain, Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, France, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Korea, mainland China and Hong Kong and Taiwan and other 15 countries and regions of 1047 companies carry exhibits took part in the exhibition, including domestic exhibitors 765, overseas exhibitors, 282.From 72 countries and regions in the world of professional audience of 104204 people, including 31 countries and regions organized 40 overseas Tours, various provinces and autonomous regions in China and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan area organized 50 visitors, all regions of guangdong province has organized more than 30000 ugandans of package industry enterprise staff and relevant personnel to the onsite visit, investigate, study and communication.

Print China 2015 exhibition has developed into a global printing equipment manufacturers competitive stage, the printing industry to a platform of international multilateral exchanges.Sluggish recovery in the global economic downturn, the print industry, size and number of exhibitors to record again, domestic and international giant.Face of technological change in the global printing industry upgrading, under the background of industrial structure adjustment, the Print China 2015 will be "green, high efficient, digital, intelligent" as the theme, adhere to the "innovation drive, science and technology leading" ZuZhan principle, show a large number of advanced and applicable in full of all kinds of equipment based on the traditional printing equipment, will also highlight the international printing industry have sprung up in recent years, a variety of innovative technology and advanced products, such as: green printing, digital printing, network printing, function, printing, printing, 3 d printing at the forefront of new products and all kinds of advanced printing solutions, make show real to become the world's printing industry information exchange platform for the interaction.

At present, the international printing industry giant multinational enterprises and domestic large enterprises have been confirmed, at the appointed time, the Chinese and foreign audiences can experience in the international giant printing of new products and new technology, and study and learn about the made in China.Exhibits covering the whole industry chain, printing the world's latest printing technology and equipment, including the world first, Asia starting devices will be unveiled in this exhibition.Conference will be held in several high-profile international exchange activities, including the third international printing industrial development BBS, Asia alliance annual work meeting, the Chinese print awards ceremony, and the printing association of Hong Kong, macau, Taiwan and the related meeting will be held during the exhibition.

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