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China packaging carton is more suitable for using digital printing machine

Many European countries to reduce the number of printing color and specifications varieties to improve efficiency, reduce energy consumption and reduce the sewage discharge, environmental protection purposes, set up a lot of rules.But at the moment, China is not such a qualified standard, the carton specifications are a dime a dozen in the country.Market, carton order type is complex, but specific to the number of each variety is falling.Therefore, the development of China's carton industry got confused in many European countries do not exist.Therefore, in the field of digital printing in the packaging application has not formed in the international climate, and is more suitable for carton packaging market in China.

China is a large, anhydrous digital printing equipment once popularized in our country, will inevitably produce the butterfly effect, bring a subversive revolution of the global packaging industry.

Now when you meet the international order is the traditional practice of packaging industry need to both sides send plate samples with the reciprocating many times, take a long auxiliary time, but the future no water digital printing machine after intervention, the situation will completely change, foreign customers instantaneous can be done through the network to transmit the design draft to domestic manufacturers, factory put into production immediately, perhaps foreign clients through logistics can get the product in the second day.

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